There are two basic methods of paying vendors:
Apply vendor invoices: pay invoices that were previously entered in the Purchases window.
Tip: If you are paying a vendor for one invoice, there is a quick way to do this. Open the invoice on the Purchases/Receive Inventory screen and click the Pay Now link. The Pay Now link is located next to the invoice status for invoices that have not been paid in full. This will open the Payments screen with the invoice selected to be paid.
If you are paying a vendor for more than one invoice, follow the steps below.
Use the following procedure to apply payments to vendor invoices:
Note: If the vendor is set up for default electronic payments, the Electronic Payment box will be checked automatically. If you don't want this to be an electronic payment, deselect the box.
Warning! In order for the payment to arrive at the payee on time, it must be transmitted electronically on or before the displayed Send By date.
Select the payment method to designate the type of payment being made, for example, Check.
Tip: You can click the Payment Method link to add, edit, or delete payment methods.
With the Apply to Invoices tab shown, enter the amount of money you're paying the vendor in the Payment Amount field. Sage 50 will look on the Apply to Invoices tab for an invoice matching that amount. If one is found, it will be selected to pay. Otherwise, the payment amount will be applied to the first invoice listed. If there is an amount remaining, it will be applied to the next invoice and so on until the entire payment amount is applied.
If you don't want Sage 50 to automatically select the invoices to pay or if you want to change what has been selected, on the Apply to Invoices tab, select the Pay check box next each the invoice that you want to pay.
Tip: You can use the Pay All/None links to check or uncheck all of the invoices listed.
Notes: If you overpay the amount, a credit is made to the vendor's ledger; for underpayments, the payment amount is applied to the invoice balance. You will need a reference number to post or save the record.
Make sure the Payment Amount is equal to the total of the amounts from the Apply to Invoices and Apply to Expenses tabs.
If you want to print the check, select the Print button; for step-by-step instructions on printing from the Payments window, see Print a Single Form from a Task Window. Otherwise, select the Save button to record the payment.
If you want to print a batch of checks, select the Print drop-down button and then choose Select Checks to Print. For more information on printing a batch of checks from the Payments window, see Print a Batch of Forms from a Task Window.
The program debits Accounts Payable for the total amount and credits the cash account for the net check amount and also credits the discount-taken account (if applicable).
You can also use the Select for Payment selection. This allows you to pay invoices that meet certain criteria and print checks for them. You can also partially pay invoices using this selection.