With the Apply to Invoices tab shown, enter the amount of money you're paying the vendor in the Payment Amount field. Sage 50 will look on the Apply to Invoices tab for an invoice matching that amount. If one is found, it will be selected to pay. Otherwise, the payment amount will be applied to the first invoice listed. If there is an amount remaining, it will be applied to the next invoice and so on until the entire payment amount is applied.
If you don't want Sage 50 to automatically select the invoices to pay or if you want to change what has been selected, on the Apply
to Invoices tab, select the Pay
check box next each the invoice that you want to pay.
Tip: You can use the Pay All/None links to check or uncheck all of the invoices listed.
Make sure the Payment Amount is equal to the total of the amounts from the Apply to Invoices and Apply to Expenses tabs.