Purchases/Receive Inventory

How Do I...

This window allows you to either enter vendor purchase invoices or receive inventory for purchase orders.

Learn More

Closed Entering a purchase invoice

When you enter a purchase or receive inventory on a purchase order, the vendor can be an already-existing vendor, or you can add a new vendor.

Note that if you are paying the vendor by credit card, you do that in the Payments window.

Enter a purchase invoice

Receive inventory on a purchase order

Enter credit card purchases

Closed Customizing the Purchases window by hiding fields you don't use

Sage 50 has templates that let you customize Task windows. You can hide certain fields that you never use, such as Ship To fields. If you ever need those fields, just select the Layout button and select the standard template.

Create a customized template

Read an overview of customized templates

Closed Finding out if a purchase invoice has been paid

It's an easy matter to find out the status of any outstanding vendor invoices.

Look up the current payment status of a purchase invoice

Closed Entering and applying a vendor credit memo

Whenever a vendor issues you a credit memo, you enter and apply it right here, on the Purchases/Receive Inventory window.

Enter and apply a vendor credit memo

Closed Help with specific fields

For a listing of fields in the Purchases/Receive Inventory window, click the link.

Purchases fields