Receive Inventory on a Purchase Order

How Do I...

After you have entered a purchase order for your vendor, the next step is to receive the inventory for that purchase order as it arrives. Sage 50 allows you to receive a different quantity for an item than you originally ordered. That is, you can receive less than or more than the originally ordered quantity.

Closed How do I get to the Purchases window?

Note: The procedure outlined below assumes you are using the predefined Standard template. To select a template, click the Layout toolbar button, and choose the template you want to use from the pull-down menu. If you choose a customized template, please adjust the instructions below accordingly. Learn more about templates.

Closed Enter vendor ID, invoice #, and dates

  1. Enter or select the vendor ID. To display a list of existing vendors, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button.

    If you have open purchase orders with this vendor, the Apply to Purchase Order # tab displays in front.

  2. Enter the vendor's invoice number in the Invoice # field. This is a required field.

    If you have not yet received a vendor invoice (bill) for this shipment, select the Waiting on Bill from Vendor check box. Once your vendor sends you the bill, edit this invoice; clear the Waiting on Bill from Vendor check box; and enter the invoice number. Then, when you post the invoice with the invoice number, you will be able to select the invoice for payment.

    Note: If you have received inventory from a vendor by entering a purchase using the "Waiting on Bill" option, Sage 50 will warn you when you select this vendor so you don't enter the invoice for this vendor's order twice by mistake.

  3. Enter the date of the invoice if it is different from the displayed invoice date.
  4. Enter the due date of the invoice is due if it is different from the displayed due date.

Closed Enter address, terms, and A/P account

  1. Change the shipping address if necessary and the method of shipment. Click the arrow button to display the box with ship-to information. To change the shipment method, select the method from the drop-down list.
  2. Change the discount amount if necessary, as well as the displayed terms.

    The Displayed Terms field automatically fills in with the default terms.

  3. If the vendor used special terms, enter the new term information here.
  4. If yours is an accrual-based company, you can select the accounts payable G/L account for this purchase. On financial statements this will be your accounts payable liability account. If yours is a cash-basis company, this field will display <Cash Basis>.

    Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display the A/P Account field in this window. To modify the A/P account used for this transaction, you must select the Journal button.

ClosedEnter item information

  1. From the drop-down list on the Apply to Purchase Order # tab, select the purchase order number that you want to receive inventory against. Sage 50 displays the items on the order in the line-item list.

    The first two columns on the line-item list (the Item ID column and the Remaining column) are gray, meaning you cannot edit them. To edit a purchase order, you must edit it in the Purchase Order task.

    The Remaining column shows the number of items left to be shipped to complete the purchase order. For example, if there were 20 widgets on a purchase order and you were shipped 15 of them, the Remaining column will show that 5 widgets still need to be shipped the next time you display the purchase invoice.

  2. In the Received field, enter the quantity of an item received.
  3. If necessary, you can edit the information for each item included on the invoice, including the item's quantity, item ID, description, unit price (the number of decimal places is selected in Maintain Global Options), and job information (if applicable). The default unit price is the last posted price for this item.
  4. If you are tracking job costs, you can assign a job for each non-stock line item. You cannot enter a purchase order for a stock or assembly item in your inventory and assign a job to it. You can apply stock or assembly items to a job at the time of the sale, but not the time of purchase.
  5. The default G/L purchase account that appears for each line item is based on the vendor purchase account default or the item ID selected. To change the account ID, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new account, type + or double-click the field, which displays the Maintain Chart of Accounts window.

    Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display G/L Account fields in this window. To modify G/L accounts used for this transaction, you must select the Journal button.

  6. Continue entering items until you have completed receiving the items in this shipment.

    If the vendor included additional purchase items on the invoice that were not included on your purchase order, select the Apply to Purchases tab.Tell me more about entering a purchase invoice.

Closed Enter amount paid and save the purchase

  1. If you have paid a partial or full payment at the same time you received this invoice, enter the amount in the Amount Paid at Purchase field. The Reference field, Payment Method field, and Cash Account field will appear allowing you to enter payment information.

    The Net Amount Due displays what you currently owe for the purchase.

  2. When finished, select the Save button to record the purchase.
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