This lets you write checks to vendors whenever there is no need to pay
off an invoice or make prepayments. Follow this procedure:
Now, if you want
to print the check, select the Print
button; for step-by-step instructions on printing checks from the Write
Checks window, see Print
a Single Form from a Task Window. Otherwise, select the Save
button to record the payment.
- Create checks for the vendors
you want to pay in Write Checks or Payments. Save these checks without entering a check
- In the Write Checks window, select the Print drop-down button and then choose Select Checks to Print. Sage 50 displays the Preview and Print filter screen.
On the Print/Email
tab, fill in the check information.
Make sure the form you want to use to print the checks is selected in the Use this form field. You can choose a different form if the correct form is not selected.
Make sure the printer
information on the Print Setup tab
is correct.
If you need to change
the check alignment, select the Align
button on the Print Setup tab, and adjust the vertical and horizontal alignments. To print another
practice check, select the Practice
button in the Align Form window. This prints variables (X's, N's, and
so on) instead of the actual check. If your checks have pre-printed numbers,
this will use the first number, thus printing a void check. Make sure
you enter the correct number. For example, if you aligned your forms as
a practice using check #3002, make sure you enter check #3003 here (the
last check number printed plus 1).
After the check aligns
to your satisfaction, select OK to return to the Preview and Print filter screen.
Click Print/Email. Sage 50 displays the Print dialog.
Make any necessary changes to the printer
information and select OK.
The checks print.