Job Statuses (Job Defaults)
You can add, edit, or delete job statuses on the Statuses tab in Job Defaults.
How do I get there?
- Click the Jobs navigation aid on the Customers & Sales Navigation Center and select Set Up Job Defaults. Select the Statuses tab on the Job Defaults screen.
- You can also select the Customize job statuses link on the Maintain Jobs window.
Add a New Job Status
- Click Add New.
Select an icon to identify the status, if you want to.
Note: This is not required, but gives you a way to provide more information about the status than just the name. It also helps you to easily distinguish the status in lists and Job Management sections.
- Enter a name for this status.
Select the Use as default checkbox if you want this status to automatically be assigned to new jobs when they are created.
Note: This saves you data entry time if you usually assign the same status to jobs when they are first created. You can always change the status on a job when it is created or later.
- Click Save.
- The status now appears in the Job Status List. Use the Move up/Move down buttons to change the order of the status in the list. This is how statuses will appear in selection drop-lists.
Edit an Existing Job Status
Warning: Any changes you make to a status will show up on jobs that are currently assigned this status. If this isn't what you want, you should create a new status.
- Select the status you want to edit in the Job Status List.
- Change the icon, name, or both.
Click Save.
If a message confirming you want to save appears, click Yes. Check the Do not display this message again checkbox if you don't want to get this message when you edit statuses.
- Notice the status now appears with the changes in the Job Status List. Use the Move up/Move down buttons to change the order of the status in the list. This is how statuses will appear in selection drop-lists.
Delete an Existing Job Status
Warning: When you delete a status, it will be removed from any jobs that it is currently assigned to. You might want to check to see if there are any jobs this status is assigned to and change the status before deleting this one.
- Select the status in the Job Status List.
Click Delete.
If a message confirming you want to delete appears, click Yes.
Learn More
Using job statuses
Setting up job defaults
Setting up jobs
Setting up phases
Setting up cost codes
Using Jobs navigation