Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.
This window is where you set up and maintain the cost codes that can be applied to jobs. A cost code identifies a specific cost (or category/task), such as materials, labor, or equipment, associated with a phase of a job and provides a greater level of detail for the job.
What are cost codes and why should I use them?
In Sage 50, you do this when you actually enter the costs, rather than when you create the job, phase, or cost code. So when you set up Sage 50 for your jobs, you will separately set up all of your jobs, then all of the various phases (parts) of your jobs, then all of the specific types of costs (cost codes) for each aspect of the work you will perform.
Then, when you purchase, say, materials for a job, you will enter the job, phase, and cost code that the materials were used for in Purchases/Receive Inventory, on the line item for that purchase. Internally, Sage 50 will keep track of which job, phase, and cost code were used and report on the job appropriately.