Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

Maintain Phases

How Do I...

This window is where you set up phases to be assigned to jobs. You can't assign a phase to a specific job here, but you can set up the phases that will be available for all jobs.

Learn More

ClosedWhat are phases and why should I use them?

Phases are distinct parts of a job. For instance, a landscaping job might be divided into three phases: Grading, Planting, and Maintenance. The parts of a job could be activity-based, as in the example in the previous sentence. Or they could be time-based, or any other way you have of dividing your jobs into distinct parts.

The advantage of breaking jobs into phases is that you get more detailed tracking of expenses, such as materials and labor that went into the job.

For more information about what phases are and an explanation of how they are used with cost codes, click the links below.

The advantages of using job phases

Using cost types with cost codes in phases

ClosedSetting up job phases

Job phases let you divide up your jobs so that you can allocate expenses and revenues at a greater level of detail.

Set up job phases

ClosedHelp with specific fields or folders

If you need specific help with a field or a folder on the Maintain Phases window, click on the area below. (Header fields are those fields above the folders on the window—ID, Description, whether or not to use Cost Codes, and Inactive.)

Header Fields

General Tab (Cost Type)