Edit Print Order

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The Edit Print Order window allows you to modify the order of objects, delete objects, print a list of objects and their order numbers, or edit an existing object.

The object order list includes the following:

Order: The order number of the object. Each form object (data, text, shape, and so on) has an order number: the order in which the object will print.

Object Type: This specifies the kind of object listed: Data, Text, OLE, Group, Command, or Shape (line or rectangle).

Description: This defines the object. For data objects, the data field name is listed or the sample data is shown (depending on your selection in Options). For text objects, the first portion of the text is listed. For OLE objects, the name of the originating program is included in the description.

Move Object: To move a selected object, click the up or down arrow buttons. The order numbers will change to reflect the new object order.

Along with OK, Cancel, and Help, there are the following command buttons:

Edit: Displays the properties window for the selected object in the list.

Delete: Removes the selected object from the order list and form.

Print: Prints an ordered list of all objects included on your form. This report is helpful when you are troubleshooting design errors that occur when the form prints.

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