Pay Vendor Window (Payment Manager)

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Pay vendors or enter payments for purchases

Perform other accounts payable tasks

Read the Payment Manager overview

How Do I...

This lists detail on all invoices in a specific age bracket for a particular vendor. You can see or modify the original purchase transaction by double-clicking a line or selecting the line and choosing the Detail button at the top of the window.

Age: This is the number of days the invoice is overdue.

Ref: This is the number given to the invoice when it was created.

Doc. Date: This is the date the invoice was created.

Disc. Date: This is the date through which the vendor can receive a discount.

Due Date: This is the date payment is due.

Tot. Amt.: This is the total amount of the invoice.

Amt. Paid: If you have paid a partial amount on an invoice, the amount will appear here. If a vendor credit memo has been applied to a purchase, the amount of the applied credit memo will be included in the total that appears in the Amt. Paid column.

Amt. Due: This shows the total amount that you need to pay the vendor on this invoice.

Pay: Select this check box to choose the invoices to pay. After you select the invoices you want to pay, select the Check button at the top of the window. If you select an invoice to pay, the check written will be for the entire amount due. If you want to pay part of the invoice, use Payments from the Tasks menu.

You can double-click a line to display and modify the originating transaction in Purchases or alternatively, select the line and select the Detail button from the top of the window.

When you're done, you can select the Print button to print the check.