My Dashboard

You can customize the My Dashboard Navaid to show areas of Sage 50 that you regularly work in. What displays initially depends on your role in Sage 50. For example, an Accounts Receivable manager will see customer lists, invoices, etc. But you can customize the sections that display to suit your needs.

To customize the My Dashboard Navaid

Select the Customize this page button at the top of the My Dashboard Navaid.

To add a section to My Dashboard,

Select an area from the choose an area to pick the sections for your page drop-down list.

Highlight an Available Section on the left and click the Add button. Click here to see a list of sections you can add to My Dashboard.

To reorder items in the list, select a section and click the Move Up or Move Down button.

To rename a Section, highlight it, click the Rename button, and type the new name.

Note: The sections will appear in either one or two columns depending on the way you have your screen sized. If the sections appear in two columns, section 2 will appear to the right of section 1 and section 3 will appear below section 1.

For more information on customizing My Dashboard, click here.

If you want to add another tab that can display a different set of sections, click Add new tab.

If you want Sage 50 to open to My Dashboard automatically, click Make this the default page.

Important! You must have Full Access to My Dashboard to be able to see and customize the My Dashboard navigation center. The sections that you are able to add to My Dashboard are based on your security settings for other areas of Sage 50 (such as Customers and Sales or Vendors and Purchases). Tell me more about setting up Sage 50 security.

Note: The Date Range displayed for the Top Customers: Last Twelve Months section may not always match the date range that displays when you click the View Customer Sales History Report. If the Date Range spans a Leap Year day, the beginning day on the Sales History Report may differ by one day.

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