Create a Budget - Start with a Blank Budget
While it is probably easier to start by copying from an existing budget
or using actual data, you can start from scratch if necessary--if you
are just starting out on Sage 50, for example.
- From the Maintain Budgets window, select the New
button. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)
- Enter a Budget Name and Description. A budget name can be automatically created based on the description, provided this option is checked in Maintain Global Options. The description is optional. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)
- Make sure "Start with a blank budget"
is checked and click Finish. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)
- Use the Account Filters to determine the accounts
that display for your budget. You can also filter by department
mask or account
segment ((Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher).
- You can view and enter data for four fiscal years--the
two currently open years, and the year before and after them.
- After you've begun working with a budget, you
can still use actual data or an existing budget to complete the budget,
by using the Autofill feature.
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