There are several methods you can use in Sage 50 to pay a credit card vendor. When you receive your credit statement, you may elect to not pay the bill right away. You can enter a purchase that includes a line description where the G/L account ID is the credit card liability account. This will debit the credit card liability account and credit your accounts payable account. Later, you can pay the amount owed to the credit card company using an appropriate cash account.
A second method is to enter a direct payment to the credit card vendor. This method is described below.
Sage 50 displays the Payments window.
Select the Apply to Expenses tab. In the first line enter or select the credit card liability account as the G/L account ID.
Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display the G/L account field in this window. To modify the G/L accounts used for this transaction, you must select the Journal button.
Complete the remainder of the payment, making sure to enter a description that identifies the purpose of the payment. Then, select save the transaction.
This will debit the credit card liability account and credit your cash account.