Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting Components

There are different components that make up the Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting reporting tool. If a component is not an extra add-on, it is included as part of the full version of Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting.

Component Description

Intelligence Reporting Reports

Standard Intelligence Reporting reports are included for you. To view these reports, go to Reports & Forms>Intelligence Reporting. Click on a report to use Intelligence Reporting to open the report in Microsoft Excel. You'll be able to filter the report and add fields to the report in Excel.

Report Manager

This allows you to create your own Intelligence Reporting reports that you can access from within Sage 50. You can copy an existing report and then modify it to create your new report. You can access the Report Manager by going to Reports & Forms>Intelligence Reporting Setup or by clicking the Report Manager toolbar button from the Intelligence Reporting area of Reports & Forms.

License Manager

This allows you to control who is using Intelligence Reporting. You can see who is using your Intelligence Reporting license(s) and free up licenses for other users. Go to Reports & Forms>Intelligence Reporting Setup to access the License Manager.

Security Manager

This allows you to set security access to any custom Intelligence Reporting reports you have created. You can also control the access to any reports from within the Report Manager. Security for the standard Intelligence Reporting reports and the Intelligence Reporting Setup options from within Sage 50 is handled through Sage 50 security.


You can schedule Intelligence Reporting reports to be run automatically. You'll use the Report Manager to set the output file destination and to get the command you'll need to put in your scheduler tool (such as Microsoft Scheduler).

Import/Export Reports

You can import Intelligence Reporting reports that someone else has created. You can also export Intelligence Reporting reports that you have created so other people can use them.

Report Designer

This is a component that helps you design your reports in Microsoft Excel. It allows you to drag and drop fields and use a What If Analyzer to change data and see the impact. It also contains a Formula Builder to help you create additional calculated fields.

Note: You must have Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher to use the Report Designer.


This component allows you to create custom Intelligence Reporting reports from scratch. You can create your own data containers for creating reports and create reports from multiple databases. This provides more advanced customization options than the Report Manager alone.

*This is an add-on component that is not included in the full-version of Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting.

Learn More

Using Intelligence Reporting

Intelligence Reporting licensing

Intelligence Reporting security

Intelligence Reporting standard reports

Intelligence Reporting help