Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

Time Ticket Number

How Do I...

Ticket numbers are used to reference individual time tickets. A ticket number is automatically assigned when you begin entering a new ticket in the Time Tickets window. Ticket numbers increase by one based on the last ticket entered and saved. You cannot assign or alter a ticket number.

Note: Time tickets and expense tickets share the same numbering sequence. For example, if you enter and save expense ticket 001189, the next ticket number (either expense ticket or time ticket) will be assigned ticket number 001190.

When you record activities in the weekly time sheet, a time ticket is created with a unique ticket number for each day that you enter a time. For example, if you enter times in five daily columns for the same activity (the same row in the grid), Sage 50 will create five separate time tickets for each day, each with a unique, sequential ticket number.

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