Investigate transactions found by the Internal Accounting Review

How Do I...

Once transactions are found that meet an Internal Accounting Review (IAR) check's criteria, the transactions are listed in a table under the check name. The steps that you take to investigate a transaction to figure out what action to take vary depending upon the actual IAR check. Below, we suggest ways to investigate transactions that have been found by the Review.

Click the IAR check name to see the steps we recommend to investigate transactions found by the IAR.

ClosedPurchases or bills that do not credit an accounts payable account

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Purchases window appears displaying the transaction that you selected.
  2. Check the A/P Account that was selected for this transaction. (Click the magnifying glass button to see the account and account type.) If this is the account that you intended to use for this transaction, then no action is required. However, if you intended to select an A/P account, you can change the account now and save the record.
  3. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  4. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  5. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Sales or invoices that do not debit an accounts receivable account

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Sales/Invoicing window appears displaying the transaction that you selected.
  2. Click the Journal button to see which accounts are being debited and credited for this transaction. Since we’re interested in which account is debited, find the debiting entry and check the account type. (Click the magnifying glass button to see the account and account type.)
  3. If this is the account that you intended to use for this transaction, then no action is required. However, if you intended to select an A/R account, you can change the account now and click OK. Then save the Sales/Invoice.
  4. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Payments or checks that do not credit a cash account

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Payments window appears displaying the transaction that you selected.
  2. Check the Cash account that was selected for this transaction. (Click the magnifying glass button to see the account and account type.) If this is the account that you intended to use for this transaction, then no action is required. However, if you intended to select a Cash account, you can change the account now and save the record.
  3. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  4. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  5. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Receipts or money received that does not debit a cash account

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Receive Money window appears displaying the transaction that you selected.
  2. Check the Cash account that was selected for this transaction. (Click the magnifying glass button to see the account and account type.) If this is the account that you intended to use for this transaction, then no action is required. However, if you intended to select a Cash account, you can change the account now and save the record.
  3. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  4. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  5. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Transactions that debit and credit the same general ledger account

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The window that appears depends on the type of transaction that you clicked.
  2. Select the Journal button from the toolbar to see which account is being debit and credited for this transaction.
  3. If these are the accounts that you intended to use for this transaction, then no action is required. However, if you intended to select different accounts, you can change the account now and save the record.
  4. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

ClosedPossible duplicate transactions of the same type

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The window that appears depends on the type of transaction that you clicked.
  2. Examine the transaction to determine whether or not it’s a duplicate.
  3. If the transaction is not a duplicate and is set up as you intended, then no action is required. However, if the transaction is a duplicate, you can either edit or delete the transaction now and save.
  4. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

ClosedVendor invoices or bills from prior periods that have not been received

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Purchases window appears displaying the transaction that you selected.
  2. Notice that the Waiting on Bill checkbox is selected. Examine the transaction to determine whether or not you have actually received a bill.
  3. If you have not received a bill, then no action in Sage 50 is required. (You may need to call the vendor see if a bill has been sent.) However, if you have received a bill, clear the Waiting on Bill checkbox now and save.
  4. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Transactions entered in the future

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The window that appears depends on the type of transaction that you clicked.
  2. Examine the transaction to determine whether or not it’s a valid transaction.
  3. If the transaction is as you intended, then no action is required. However, if the transaction was accidentally entered in the future, you can either edit or delete the transaction now and save.
  4. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Transactions posted to inactive records

  1. Before you click the transaction that you want to investigate, look in the last column of the table to determine the inactive record type and ID.
  2. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The window that appears depends on the type of transaction that you clicked.
  3. Examine the transaction to determine whether or not you intended to use this inactive record.
  4. If the transaction is as you intended, then no action is required. However, if you accidentally selected an inactive record, you can either edit or delete the transaction now and save. If this record should not be marked as inactive, go to the appropriate maintenance window and clear the Inactive record.
  5. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  6. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  7. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

ClosedUn-reconciled cash accounts

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Account Reconciliation window appears displaying the account that you clicked.
  2. Examine the transaction(s) listed for this account to determine whether or not they have cleared.
  3. If the transactions have not cleared, then no action is required. However, if transactions are listed that have cleared, you can mark them as cleared now and click OK. If there are no transactions listed on the register, then either the account didn’t have any reconciliation activity for the reporting period or this account is not used. (These accounts will continue to appear in the IAR. If an account is listed that you don’t use and you don’t want it to continue to appear in the IAR, you might consider deleting the account.)
  4. Note: If all transactions in the register are not cleared, then the account will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Inventory items that default to duplicate general ledger accounts

  1. Before you click the transaction that you want to investigate, look at the last three columns of the table to determine the account that may be a duplicate.
  2. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Maintain Inventory Items window appears displaying the inventory item that you clicked.
  3. Examine the inventory item record to determine which accounts were selected for GL Sales, GL Inventory, and GL Cost of Sales accounts.
  4. If the accounts are as you intended, then no action is required. However, if you accidentally selected the wrong account type, you can change the accounts now and save.
  5. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  6. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  7. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Out of sequence checks

  1. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. The Check Register report appears displaying the account that has out of sequence checks.
  2. Review the list to determine if you intentionally skipped the check numbers.
  3. If you intentionally skipped the check numbers, then no action may be required. However, if you didn’t want to skip the check numbers, you may need to investigate further. (You can double-click any transaction on the Check Register report to see the transaction detail.) In the Payments window you can enter another check number for a transaction if the check number was entered in error.
  4. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  5. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

ClosedAccounts receivable accounts that are out of balance with the aged receivables report

To investigate transactions found by this check, we suggest that you try the following steps.

  1. Before you click a transaction to drill down to the Aged Receivables report, determine if the accounts that are listed are applicable accounts. If the accounts are not applicable to your business, you can choose not to have them included in the Internal Accounting Review. Click the plus button next to the Select your Accounts Receivable account and select the A/R accounts that you use in your business.
  2. If the accounts are applicable, verify for the current period, that there are no sales or invoices that do not debit an A/R account. (This is identified in the second IAR check.) If transactions exist, resolve them first.
  3. If the A/R balance and the Aged Receivables report are still not balanced, click the transaction that was found to open the Aged Receivables report. Examine the report to see if you can find what is causing the imbalance.
  4. Finally, we recommend that you run the General Ledger report and filter on either all A/R accounts or the specific account in question. Examine the report and compare it with the Aged Receivables report to try to find the discrepancy. If the issue isn't resolved, you may need to track back to find the exact date of imbalance.
  5. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

ClosedAccounts payables accounts that are out of balance with the aged payables report

To investigate transactions found by this check, we suggest that you try the following steps.

  1. Before you click a transaction to drill down to the Aged Payables report, determine if the accounts that are listed are applicable accounts. If the accounts are not applicable to your business, you can choose not to have them included in the Internal Accounting Review. Click the plus button next to the Select your Accounts Payable account and select the A/P accounts that you use in your business.
  2. If the accounts are applicable, verify for the current period, that there are no purchases or bills that do not credit an A/P account. (This is identified in the first IAR check.) If transactions exist, resolve them first.
  3. If the A/P balance and the Aged Payables report are still not balanced, click the transaction that was found to open the Aged Payables report. Examine the report to see if you can find what is causing the imbalance.
  4. Finally, we recommend that you run the General Ledger report and filter on either all A/P accounts or the specific account in question. Examine the report and compare it with the Aged Payables report to try to find the discrepancy. If the issue isn't resolved, you may need to track back to find the exact date of imbalance.
  5. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  6. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.

Closed Possible duplicate paychecks for an employee within a pay period

  1. Before you click the transaction that you want to investigate, look at the paychecks that may be duplicates. Potentially duplicate paychecks are grouped together.
  2. Click the transaction that you want to investigate. (We recommend that you investigate each of the duplicate transactions.) The Payroll Entry window appears displaying the transaction that you selected.
  3. Examine the transaction to determine whether or not you intended to enter this paycheck.
  4. If the transaction is as you intended, then no action is required. However, if you accidentally entered this paycheck, you can either edit or delete the transaction now and save. (Repeat steps 2-4 for each duplicate that was found.)
  5. Note: If no changes are made to the transaction, it will continue to display in the Internal Accounting Review.

  6. Close the window to return to the Internal Accounting Review page.
  7. After you’ve made a change, click the Refresh button to update the information.
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