Important! Please read the Import/Export Tips section before you begin importing data. This topic contains valuable information that will help you avoid import possible import errors.
Below are suggestions for situations that you may encounter when importing/exporting data.
The following table provides you with a list of potential situations, error messages, and so on. that you may encounter in the import/export process. The table also includes a description of the steps you should take to correct the error, and so on.
Export the information you want from the current company, create a new company, and import the information from the previously existing company. After the import is complete, print the reports from the old company and the new company to see if they match. If the amounts are not the same, is it possible that you did not use an early enough date as the “From” range, which means the beginning balances were not brought over. Remember to enter defaults in the new company. See Rebuild an Existing Sage 50 Company (Overview) for more information and detailed instructions.
The Sales Order, Sales, Cash Receipts, Purchase Order, Purchase, and Cash Disbursements journals will not import correctly if you import from a cash company to an accrual company, or vice versa.
Note: This is due to the different chart of accounts.
You can, however, import the General, Payroll, Assemblies, and Inventory Adjustment journals. You can also import lists such as the Chart of Accounts, Vendor List, Customer List, Job List, and Inventory Items List.
You did not set the date back far enough to access all of the data. When you export, make sure you set the beginning date several years back to make sure you access all of the data. You can specify the date on the Filter tab. Tips.
Make sure you select the Include Headings check box on the Options tab.
The modified transactions will not import. Sage 50 only imports new transactions into the same company. You cannot edit an existing transaction through the import process. If you need to modify transactions, you must make the changes you want in Sage 50 before you export the data to a spreadsheet. You can modify maintenance list information. When you import the modified list, the information will be updated. However, be careful if you are making the modifications in a spreadsheet rather than Sage 50 itself. Tips.
The new record has the same number as an existing invoice. You can choose to skip the record or cancel. If you select Cancel, the process is halted and only the records up to that point are imported.
Sage 50 has encountered an invalid field during the import process. Select OK to skip that record and continue importing the next record. Select Cancel to halt the import process. Typical reasons for receiving this error are:
Sage 50 encountered a duplicate reference number. Select OK to skip this record and continue importing or select Cancel to halt the import process. If you select Cancel, only the records up to that point will be imported.
There could be two possibilities:
The Tax table name in the import file does not match or exist in the user-maintained or Sage-maintained tax formula file. You should copy the taxtable.dat file from the original company to the new one. This file is located in the original company’s directory.
Each line item of an invoice (or apply to expenses/revenue) generally has a Quantity, Unit Price, and Amount (Extension Price). During the import, Sage 50 checks to see if Quantity times unit price equals the Amount. If it does not, then you will receive the error. This could happen if you enter an item with a unit price established, and change the amount price without changing the unit price. To correct the error, refer to the line number in question and make the correction in the old Sage 50 company and export/import again.
This can also happen if you have rounding errors on multiple decimal place settings. For example, one computer could have Global Options set to 4 decimal places and the second computer you are importing to have Global Options set to 2. This will cause computation errors.
Before a customer payment (for example, issuing a refund check) can be exported, Sage 50 must have a check number established. This way it can later import properly to reference the customer ledger. The solution is to enter a check number (it can be temporary) and export again.
Before a vendor receipt (for example, receiving a refund check) can be exported, Sage 50 must have a check number established. This way it can later import properly to reference the vendor ledger. The solution is to enter a check number (it can be temporary) and export again.
During the import of Purchase or Sales Journal, Sage 50 must open all closed Purchase and Sales Orders to apply distributions. If an imported P.O. or S.O. is 100% completed, then after distributions are applied, it will be marked closed. All others will remain open. This means when you mark an incomplete PO. or S.O. Closed and export it and you import the Purchase or Sales Journal, these items will remain open, not closed. You will have to close them again after the import process is complete.