Page Setup

How Do I...

You can print a report, form, or financial statement that is displayed on the screen, whether you're viewing the document in display mode or design mode. To do so, you select the Print button in the toolbar. (In the Forms Design window, select Print, then Setup.)

Additionally, before you print your document, you can select Page Setup options that determine how the report or statement will print. To choose Page Setup options, select the (Page) Setup button in the toolbar. The first Page Setup window appears. This lets you choose paper size, source, and orientation.

Paper Size: Use the drop-down list to select the size of paper you want to print the report on: letter, legal, A4, and so forth.

Paper Source: Use the drop-down list to select the place where the paper is located in the printer: upper paper tray, lower paper tray, manual feed, and so on.

Orientation: Select the appropriate option button for either portrait or landscape.

Margins: Set the amount of space between the edge of the paper and the printed text.

Printer: To choose an alternate instead of the default printer, select the Printer button to display further options:

Name: Use the drop-down list to select an alternate printer. These are all printers set up through the Windows Settings options.

Properties: To set special printer controls such as two-sided printing, select the Properties button.

Network: If you're working in a network environment, you can select the Network button to find and choose an alternate printer on the network.

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