Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

Setting Up a Job ID with Phases

How Do I...

If you want to track income and expense in different stages of a job, you should set up phases for your job ID. You can specify to use phases for any job in the Maintain Jobs window.

Let us suppose that you are a landscaping company and most of your jobs involve grading, mowing and raking. You can define phases for each of the stages.

Phase ID








Then, when you select the Use Phases to track jobs in more detail check box on a job record, Sage 50 makes these phases available for your selection. Your selection can differ for each job, depending on how much detail you want to maintain on a particular job. If you use phases, you can display your job information by phase, in job reports. In the example above, you would know how much you spent on and earned from mowing, grading, or raking in a job.

If you would like to categorize similar costs within a phase, you may benefit from using generic cost codes or cost types. You will need to set up cost codes or cost types before you can assign them to a phase.

Related topics

Understanding the advantages of using jobs

Setting up a job ID with phases

Setting up a job ID with phases and cost codes

Using job reports

Using cost types with cost codes in phases

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