Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

My Bank Is Not in the List

How Do I...

The Import Statement window lets you download and import an electronic statement from your bank into Sage 50. If your bank does not appear in the list of banks that currently support the transfer of bank statements directly to Sage 50, you can still import electronic statements. However, you will need to download and transfer the statement as two separate processes. First, you download the statement from your bank's individual Web page. Then, once the statement is on your computer, you use the Import Statement window to manually transfer the statement to Sage 50.

Follow these steps to download a statement from your bank and then bring it into Sage 50 for account reconciliation:

Note: The instructions below are general in nature. They are intended to cover a number of different banks, even though each bank might set up the account download process a little differently. Be sure to follow the directions on your bank's Web page, and if you have any questions, contact one of the bank's online-services representatives for assistance.

ClosedStep 1: Download the bank statement

  1. Go to the Web page of the bank you want to import from.
  2. Find and select the link to personal banking—this feature will have a different name depending on the individual bank.
  3. In the personal banking log-on window, enter the user ID and password issued to you by the bank for online banking.
  4. Select the link that connects you with online banking services. Again, this feature will have different name depending on the individual bank.
  5. Select the link that allows you to download electronic bank statements.
  6. Select the account that you want to download statements from.
  7. Select the time period you want the statement to cover.
  8. The bank will usually offer a choice of transfer formats; select the desired format. The two standard choices are QuickBooks (QFX format) and Microsoft Money. While either format works with Sage 50, Microsoft Money files are in the industry-standard OFX format and may be preferable.
  9. Depending on the individual bank, you may see additional prompts. For example, you may be asked if you want to open or save the bank statement file. In this case, select Save; then select a place to store the file on your computer's hard drive.

ClosedStep 2: Import the statement into Sage 50

Once the statement file saved on your computer, you are ready to import the statement into Sage 50.

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