Find (Account Reconciliation)
How Do I...
Use this window to search for transactions displayed in the Account
Reconciliation window. You can search for any transactions or amounts
listed on the screen.
The Find (Account Reconciliation) window contains the Cancel,
and Help
- With transactions displayed in the Account Reconciliation
window, select the Find button.
Sage 50 displays the Find (Account Reconciliation) window.
- In the Find
text box, enter the reference ID of the transaction you want to locate.
You can use wild card characters to
facilitate your search (see below).
- If you want your search to be case sensitive,
select the Match Case check box.
Sage 50 will search for only those transaction reference IDs that match
the case of whatever you enter in the Find
text box. For example, if you enter "ACCOUNT" in all capital
letters and select Match Case,
Sage 50 will search for any occurrence of "ACCOUNT" in all
capital letters. It will not search for "account" or "Account."
- Click the Find
button to start your search.
Sage 50 will find the first transaction that matches whatever you
entered in the Find text box.
- To find additional transactions, keep clicking the
Find button.
Using wild card characters in your search
In your search you can use two wild card characters: ? and *.
- Use the ?
wild card character to find a transaction that contains any character
in the position taken by the wild card. For example, typing in 100?
would find transactions 1001 through 1009.
- Use the *
wild card to find a string of characters. For example, typing in account* would find accounts, accounting, and
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