Create a New Company - Fiscal Year

How Do I...

Starting dates need to be established for setting up your company and entering data. Once you establish a starting date, Sage 50 will automatically set up monthly accounting periods for your first two fiscal years.

  1. Start Create a New Company, and make sure the 12 monthly accounting periods setup option is selected.
  2. Enter the first month of your first fiscal year, or select it from the drop-down list. Then, enter the year.

    Usually, a company's fiscal year starts in January and ends in December. However, some companies start their fiscal year in July and end in June.

  3. Note: If you are creating a consolidated company Sage 50 Premium Accounting and above), this field will be disabled (gray) and will display the first month and year of the consolidated company's first fiscal year, based on information taken from the subsidiary companies.

  4. To continue setting up your company, select the Next button. Sage 50 displays the Create a New Company - Finish window.
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