Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.


How Do I...

Proposals let you enter proposals for a customer, then invoice them as projects or jobs are completed. Proposals can be printed, previewed, or sent via email. Once a proposal has been accepted by the customer, you can mark it as Accepted and it will be available for billing in Sales Invoicing. Quotes can also be converted to proposals. You can also apply or update the Status of the proposal.

Proposals work in conjunction with the Billing Method field in Job Costing as well. If you select Percent of Proposal as the Billing Method for a job, Sage 50 will automatically update the Estimated Revenues fields for your jobs as you enter and accept Proposals. You will also be able to use Progress Billing to bill your proposals as portions of jobs are completed. Tell me more about using Progress Billing.

Learn More

Closed Entering a Proposal for a customer

You can enter and accept a proposal for a customer.

Enter a proposal

Accept a proposal

ClosedDid you know you can customize this window, hiding fields you don't use?

Sage 50 has templates that let you customize Task windows. You can hide certain fields that you never use, such as Ship To fields. If you ever need those fields, just select the Layout button and select the standard template.

Create a customized template

Read an overview of customized templates

ClosedPrinting or previewing proposals

As you enter proposals in Sage 50, the Proposal No. field is automatically increased by one based on the last proposal or sales order entered. If you want to override this for the printed proposal, you can, but note that Sage 50 won't let you have duplicate proposal numbers. Nor can a proposal and sales order have the same number.

How to preview a proposal

How to print a proposal

ClosedBilling/converting/applying proposals to a sales invoice

Click the link below for step-by-step instructions on billing proposals.

Bill/convert/apply a proposal to a sales invoice

ClosedHelp with specific fields

For a listing of fields in the Proposals window, click the link.

Proposal fields