Print Options (Statement/Invoices Defaults)
How Do I...
You can define which customer accounts you want to print statements
for and whether you want to print your company’s name and address on invoices
and statements.
- To set up print
options for customer statements and invoices, select Maintain
> Default Information > Statement/Invoices, and click
the Statement Print Options tab.
Activity and Balance Print Options
Whenever you print statements, you can print a range of customers. However,
you may not want statements for customers with zero balances, credit balances,
balances under a certain amount, or invoices barely overdue. Select any
of the activity and balance print options. Each one is independent of
the others. For example, you can select Balances
at least and enter an amount. But if you also select Any
activity, statements could be printed for customers with a zero
balance if there was any activity in the account. The options do not affect
each other.
Print statements for accounts with:
- Select Any activity
since the last statement was printed if you want to print statements
for customers with any activity since the last customer statement was
- Select Balances
at least... and then enter the balance amount if you want any customer
whose balance due is that amount or greater to receive a statement.
- Select At least
one invoice... days past due and then enter a number in x days
past due (if you want any customer who has an unpaid invoice that is overdue
by that number of days or more to receive a statement).
Note: If you do not
select any of the above options and select Never
for the Negative and Zero
Balance options below, no statements will ever print, despite the
customer range selected in reports.
The following print options describe zero and negative balance conditions.
- Negative balances:
This determines whether customer accounts that have a negative or credit
balance will receive statements. Choose Always, Only when the above options
apply, or Never.
- Zero balances:
This determines whether customer accounts that have a zero balance will
receive statements. Choose Always, Only when the above options apply,
or Never.
Set Default Statement Type to:
- Select Balance
Forward if you want your statements to display consolidated unpaid
balances from month to month as the default statement type. The total
balance from the previous statement displays at the top of the statement
as a Balance Forward amount, and any new invoices or receipts appear below
the Balance Forward amount.
- Select Open Item
if you want your statements to display each outstanding invoice that still
has a balance due as the default statement type. These statements do not
consolidate open invoices on the next statement; therefore, no previous
balance will appear.
Company Print Option
Print your company name, address, phone,
and fax on invoices and statements: If you use invoice and statement
forms with your company’s name and address already printed on them and
you run out of forms, you can choose this option. Sage 50 will print
this information on plain-paper versions of invoice and statement forms.
When you receive a new supply of forms, you can change the option back.
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