This lists in the Collection Manager the invoice information for customers for a particular aging bracket. If you want to see all invoices for a particular customer regardless of aging period, either double-click the customer's name in the list or select a customer from the list and choose the Source button.
You can select the aging bracket to show by using the Days Past Due field near the top of the window. You can select an As Of date for the bracket by using the field near the top of the window.
The information on this window is view only:
Age: This is the age of the particular invoice. A negative number indicates the invoice is not yet due.
Name: This is the name of the customer.
Ref: This is the number that was given to the invoice at the time it was created.
Document Date: This is the date the invoice was created or the receipt was received.
Due Date: This is the date the payment is due.
Total Amount: This is the total amount of the invoice.
Letter: Selecting this check box will print a collection letter to the customer for that specific bracket and invoice. You can select as many invoices as you want. When you have selected all the ones you want, you can select the Letter button at the top of the window.